Barbell front raise exercise

Barbell front raise

Exercise details

  • Target muscle: Anterior Deltoid
  • Synergists: Lateral Deltoid, Clavicular (Upper) Pectoralis Major, Serratus Anterior, Middle and Lower Trapezius
  • Mechanics: Isolation
  • Force: Push

Starting position

  1. Stand grasping a barbell with an overhand grip, with your hands shoulder-width apart and your elbows extended.


  1. Keeping your arms straight and your back neutral, exhale as you lift the barbell forward and upward until your arms are a little above horizontal.
  2. Hold for a count of two.
  3. Inhale as you lower the barbell back to the starting position.
  4. Repeat for the desired number of repetitions.

Comments and tips

  • The barbell front raise is a great exercise for building your shoulders and the upper parts of your chest.
  • Maintain a neutral back and engage your core throughout the exercise.
  • The overhand grip is used because your anterior deltoid is engaged more when your shoulder is internally rotated.
  • The height to which you raise the barbell will depend on the mobility of your shoulders. For the safety of your shoulder joints, limit the height to which you raise the barbell to just before you experience tightness in your shoulders. If you have tight shoulders, lifting the barbell until your arms are just above horizontal may be considered adequate.
  • Keep your body still. Only your arms should move.
  • See also the incline dumbbell front raise, the seated dumbbell front raise, the double cable front raise, the plate front raise, and the band front raise.

Barbell front raise video

Source, Shoulder Articulations

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