Lying weighted neck flexion exercise

Lying weighted neck flexion

Exercise details

  • Target muscle: Sternocleidomastoid
  • Synergists: None
  • Mechanics: Isolation
  • Force: Pull

Starting position

  1. Place a folded towel on a weight plate.
  2. Holding the plate and towel, lie supine (on your back) on a flat bench with your head extending off the end of the bench.
  3. Place the weight plate on your forehead, with the towel positioned in between your forehead and the weight plate for comfort.


  1. Holding the weight plate on your forehead with both hands, inhale as you slowly lower your head by extending your neck.
  2. Exhale as you slowly raise your head by flexing your neck until your chin touches your chest.
  3. Repeat for the prescribed number of repetitions.

Comments and tips

  • Keep the movement very slow and under full control.
  • Start very light with this exercise and increase the weight gradually and by very small increments.
  • Do not extend your neck beyond feeling a mild stretch.
  • Position the weight plate strategically to ensure that optimal resistance is applied to your neck throughout the movement.
  • The lying weighted neck flexion will help you to strengthen and build your neck, which is very important if you engage in martial arts or sports such as football, rugby, soccer, or wrestling. Having a strong neck will reduce your risk of injury upon impact. Strengthening neck muscles can also help to improve the quality of your breathing because some neck muscles, such as the scalene muscles and the sternocleidomastoid, assist in respiration.
  • See also the lying weighted lateral neck flexion and the seated weighted neck extension.

Lying weighted neck flexion video


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