Hanging windshield wiper exercise

Hanging windshield wiper

Exercise details

  • Target muscles: Internal and External Obliques
  • Synergists: Psoas major, Quadratus Lumborum, Iliocastalis Lumborum, Iliocastalis Thoracis
  • Important stabilizers: Rectus Abdominis, Iliopsoas, Tensor Fasciae Latae, Sartorius, Rectus Femoris
  • Mechanics: Isolation
  • Force: Pull

Starting position

  1. With your legs straight and your feet together, hang from a high bar.
  2. Keeping your feet together, raise your legs until they are vertical by extending your shoulders and flexing your hips. Your back should be almost parallel with the floor.


  1. Gently and slowly lower your legs to one side in a circular motion.
  2. Reverse the motion and raise your legs back up to the starting position.
  3. Hold for a brief second.
  4. Gently and slowly lower your legs to the opposite side in a circular motion.
  5. Reverse the motion and raise your legs back up to the starting position.
  6. Hold for a brief second.
  7. Keep lowering your legs from one side to the other, making sure to pause at the top of the movement.
  8. Breathe naturally.

Comments and tips

  • Do not lower your legs beyond feeling a mild stretch in your side.
  • Keep the movement slow and under full control. Do not swing your legs or allow momentum to build up.
  • Holding your legs vertically for a brief second at the top of the movement prevents momentum from building up. It also makes the target and synergistic muscles work harder.
  • The hanging windshield wiper is an advanced exercise for strengthening your core and the twisting movement pattern of your body. Start with the lying bent-knee oblique twist and graduate to the hanging windshield wiper when ready.

Hanging windshield wiper video

This is a decent demonstration of the hanging windshield wiper, except he is moving too quickly and not pausing at the top of the movement.


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