Incline cable triceps extension
Exercise details
- Target muscle: Triceps Brachii
- Synergists: None
- Mechanics: Isolation
- Force: Push
Starting position
- Place an inclined bench in front of a low cable pulley. The bench should be inclined at 45 to 60 degrees.
- Sit on the bench and grasp the cable bar from behind you. Hold it behind your head using a narrow pronated (overhand) grip. Your elbows should be raised high.
- Keeping your upper arms fixed and your elbows close to your head, exhale as you extend your elbows and raise the bar over your head in a semicircular motion.
- Inhale as you reverse the motion and lower the bar back behind your head.
- Repeat.
Comments and tips
- Keep your body and upper arms still. Only your forearms should move.
- Keep your elbows close to your head. Otherwise your deltoids (shoulder muscles) will get involved and the exercise will turn into an overhead press. If you have to move your elbows out to the sides to press the cable bar upward, it means that the weight is too heavy.
- The straight bar can be hard on your wrists when performing the incline cable triceps extension. If so, try the rope attachment (see second video) or the revolving cambered (wavy) bar attachment.
- Some cable machines have hip-high hooks that allow you to raise the bar and hook it onto the cable machine so that it’s easier to grab from behind after you sit down.
- See also the overhead EZ bar triceps extension.
Incline cable triceps extension with bar