Incline reverse-grip dumbbell bench press exercise

Incline reverse-grip dumbbell bench press

Exercise details

  • Target muscle: Clavicular (Upper) Pectoralis Major
  • Synergists: Sternal (Lower) Pectoralis Major, Anterior Deltoid, Triceps Brachii
  • Dynamic stabilizer: Biceps Brachii (short head only)
  • Mechanics: Compound
  • Force: Push

Starting position

  1. With a dumbbell in each hand, sit on a bench inclined at 45 degrees and rest one dumbbell on each knee.
  2. As you lie back on the bench, kick the dumbbells up over your body with your knees, one at a time.
  3. Position the dumbbells to the sides of your chest, with your elbows 45 degrees away from your torso and your palms facing up.
  4. Spread your legs and place your feet flat on the floor.


  1. Keeping your palms facing up (supinated), exhale as you press the dumbbells upward and inward until your arms are almost fully extended and the dumbbells nearly touch.
  2. Hold for a count of two and squeeze your chest.
  3. Inhale as you lower the dumbbells back to the starting position or until you feel a mild stretch in your chest or shoulders.
  4. Repeat.

Comments and tips

  • To prevent yourself from sliding down the bench, raise the seat a little.
  • Planting your feet will allow you to drive from your legs, through your body, and up through your arms, thus getting your entire body behind the press.
  • Try not to drop the dumbbells by your sides after you finish. Instead, raise your knees and carefully bring the dumbbells down onto them. The weight of the dumbbells will then push your legs down and help you to sit up.
  • You can perform the incline reverse-grip dumbbell bench press unilaterally (one arm at a time), which will force more core stabilizer muscles to get involved and help you to develop unilateral upper-body strength.
  • See also the incline reverse-grip barbell bench press and the reverse-grip dumbbell bench press.

Incline reverse-grip dumbbell bench press video

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